Claims procedure

Nitol Insurance Company Limited offers a simple and straightforward claims procedure. We understand that filing a claim can be a stressful experience, so we are committed to making the process as easy and hassle-free as possible.

Claims Procedure

Formalities to be observed in case of Claim

  • Please intimate the Insurance Company as soon as possible after any incident occurs.
  • Intimation may be given over Mobile, Telephone, by Fax, E-mail or oral. But in case of telephonic or verbal information, its immediate confirmation in writing must follow.
  • Please intimate the concerned Police Station immediately after any incident occurred.
  • Please intimate the nearest Fire Brigade Station immediately in case of major fire.
  • Please take every measure to protect the property from further loss if something is left unaffected remembering that the property is yours.
  • In order to ascertain the nature, cause and extent of loss as per the terms and conditions of the policy, Insurance Company will appoint surveyors. Please assist the surveyors to complete their assignment.
  • We may ask the insured to submit certain claim related papers/documents for claim settlement. Each and every claim will purely depend on its merit so; the documents also vary claim to claim.
  • Please comply with the request/advice of Insurance Company for quick settlement of claim.
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